Preschool Program
Preschool Program Overview
Kids World's preschool program is licensed under the PA Department of Education. Children are required to be three years of age and potty trained in order to participate in the Preschool Program. At this age, children are meeting new challenges as fast as they come. Crawling, walking and eventually running are levels they accomplish in what seems like a blink of an eye. Children learn best if they are in a stimulating environment. Music, stories, outdoor play, and learning simplicities envelop much of the day. Our teachers are dedicated in helping each child develop these skills through a trusting and loving relationship.
With improved coordination and thinking the world begins to open up for preschoolers, our program introduces language, math / science, gross/fine motor, and social skills. In a natural sequence we nourish learning one step at a time, with individual attention suited to your child's unique needs. The PA Keystone Stars define environment in a broad sense and take into consideration the arrangement of space both indoors and outdoors as well as the materials, activities, interactions, and the schedule into consideration. Each room has specific areas of interest including Math/Science, Library, Blocks, Dramatic Play, & Music/Movement that help develop and stimulate your child's interest. The room is full of fun, stimulating toys, while still providing a calm and soothing environment.
This is the year for our young learners to become introduced to many basic education skills. It will be a year that you, as a parent, will notice growth and progress within your child. During preschool, they become more exposed to numbers, letters, and shapes. And, more important, they learn how to socialize -- get along with other children, share, and contribute to circle time. In addition to strengthening socialization skills -- how to compromise, be respectful of others, and problem-solve, preschool provides a place where your child can gain a sense of self, explore, play with their peers, and build confidence. At this age, children discover that they are capable and can do things for themselves -from small tasks like watering a class plant and helping set snack tables to tackling bigger issues like making decisions about how to spend their free time. While becoming more independent, our little learners are still certainly going to be engaged with basic education.
Young children can certainly learn letters and numbers, but sitting children down and 'teaching' them isn’t always the approach we will use. They learn best through doing the kinds of activities they find interesting -- story time, talking to their peers, and playing with blocks. To help children learn language and strengthen pre -reading skills, for instance, you will find us playing rhyming games and letting our children tell the stories. Keep in mind that for small children, school is all about having fun and acquiring social skills -- not always achieving academic milestones.
A typical day in the Preschool classroom will consist of having our morning routine with breakfast and simple centers. We will eventually make our way into snack time and then beginning our day with circle time. Circle time will involve of our basic ABCs, counting to 30, our weather, as well as our days of the week and months in a year. We then discuss the letter of the week and practice using words that begin with that letter. Once we finish circle time, it will lead us into our classroom centers. We tend to incorporate teacher-directed centers, where the children will practice either their early math skills, pre-reading skills (letter of the week) or an art activity. All activities are suited on the child's level and allows for some must needed one-on-one time with our staff! :)

Preschoolers : New Skills to Accomplish
Identify and name some letters and begin to know sounds
Recognize his or her own name and begin to write it using both letters and letter-like shapes
Describe familiar people, places, things, and events with detail
Retell a familiar story with the beginning, middle, and end in order
Pay attention to a person or activity for five to ten minutes
Control impulses with fewer adult reminders
Follow multi-step directions
Recognize the feelings of others and respond appropriately like comforting a friend
who is upset -
Seek out other children during play time and begin to build relationships with them
Play with other children showing the ability to resolve disagreements with little
help from adults -
Express a variety of emotions by incorporating emotions into pretend play
Routinely share, take turns, and interact with other children in a respectful
and helpful manner -
Begin to gallop while improving jumping and hopping skills
Trace letters and simple shapes while also showing signs of a right- or left-hand preference
Gain independence with self-care skills such as undressing to use the toilet
and remembering to wash hands -
Use scissors to cut simple shapes and writing utensils to trace letters and
numbers with greater accuracy -
Connect number words and numerals to the quantities they represent
Engage in pretend play alone or with others by taking on roles and using props
Participate in scientific experiments led by adults
Create artwork that includes people, animals, and things
Craft works of art using various materials like paint and modeling clay
Participate in a variety of musical experiences
Typical Day with preschoolers
6:30 - 8:00 AM Greeting the Children / Parent Communication / Breakfast / Free Play
8:00 - 9:00 AM Table Toys Activities
9:00 AM Potty Time / Hand washing / Snack Time
9:30 AM Circle Time : Welcoming Activities, Calendar, Weather, Songs
10:00 AM Free Choice & Teacher Directed Centers : Art, Sensory, Language, Math, Fine Motor, Child Initiated Activities
Art and Sensory : Creative activities enhance emotional development, finger painting, pasting, etc
Language Skills : Emphasis on language development, puppets, games, books, rhymes, etc.
Fine Motor Skills : Matching, classifying, exposure to numbers
Playground Time / Gross Motor Skills : Children will engage in physical exercise, coordination, balance, tossing balls, etc.
Music and Movement : Rhythmic movement, singing, listening, dancing, social interaction
11:00 AM Potty Time / Hand washing
11:30 AM Lunch
12:00 - 2:30 PM Rest Time / Quiet Activities
3:00 PM Potty Time / Hand washing / Snack Time
4:00 PM Playground Time / Gross Motor Skills
5:00 PM Free Choice Centers : Table Toy Activities
6:00 PM Goodbyes / Hugs / Parent Communication